Arsenal 3114 is one of our base manuscripts and ready for collation with other manuscripts or the Raynaud edition. This manuscript was transcribed by Rachel Sapp. The transcription has been checked a first time by Lynn Ramey, but there remain some words that are unclear to us.
Congie demant tout premerain
a celui qui plus mest amain
& dont ie plus loer me doi
Cuers se tu trop uilains nies ja ne li oncles : ne li nies Nierent de mon esc(ri)t plane Car en aus est mes liges fies Onq(ue)s ne lor sambloie nies Touz tors mont a lor coust mene Certes ne sont mie engane P(or) dieu soit qu(oi)quil mont don(n)e Tex dons est m(u)lt bien emploies Or ma diex a point Ramene A ce quil mauoit destine Dont ie sui & ioians & lies
Congiet demant a cuer marri
A cex q(u)i mont souef nourri
Et a
Arsenal 3114 is in the process of translation.